Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hello again. is one of the few great doll makers around today. Their product is well made and very popular. They were cool enough to send along a few examples of the lines they produce. From the Ellowyn Wilde line I have the Baroque N Dreams doll. From the Evangeline Ghastly line I have the small but very neat Bella the Bat. Check them out.

That's it for today. I am off to the Reaper Awards this evening. Yup, AFTimes is going to be on the Red Carpet to snap shots of famous people! I'll have lenty to show you from the show. I'll also have plenty of news from Tonner Doll as well.

On a personal note my faithful dog of 14 years died this week. I had her since she was a puppy and time just caught up with her. I kept her warm and comfy right up to her last breath. She now lies under her favorite spot in the yard. Take a moment and hug your pet. They depend on us to take care of then and in return they love us unconditionally. Farewell Sammy, I'll miss you.


Feed Shark

For more information visit Action Figure Times!

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