Tuesday, November 11, 2008



Hand-Sculpted Individually Personalized Caricature Action Figures

New from ModelWorks

Immortalize yourself as an action hero without diving into freezing waters to save a damsel in distress.

Maybe your heroic exploit is just a daily excursion to the office or carpooling the kids to school in an SUV – or maybe you fancy yourself starring in the next Batman movie. Whatever your endeavor, ModelWorks Mini-Me makes you the star attraction by creating an artfully crafted replica, fashioned in your likeness, and on the body of your choice.

Unlike other caricature figures, ModelWorks Mini-Me separates itself from the pack by making a hobby-grade, hand sculpted and hand-painted model. The difference lies in the details. “We don’t just sculpt a face, we capture an expression. We don’t just offer a choice of bodies, we can dress and accessorize to your specifications – right down to an heirloom earring or a well-worn sneaker,” said Graeme Warring, president of ModelWorks and creator of the Mini-Me. “ModelWorks is a precision model maker of high-end aircraft and maritime models and that is what gives us the edge when it comes to detailed work.”

Creating and ordering a Mini-Me is easy and fun. It works like this: Simply visit the website minimodelworks.com and fill out the order form. Then on the same site, upload photographs of your head and face. Next, choose the body for your mini-me or send images of your own outfit and accessories and ModelWorks will customize a body. After receiving the order, artists will sculpt your Mini-Me and ship it directly to you. The turnaround time is just 10 days.

Now that’s a mini-miracle.

Mini-Me ModelWorks makes downsizing fun.

MSRP: $99.95 for a single figure plus shipping

Couples, families or teams, please call for quote.

Feed Shark

For more information visit Action Figure Times!

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